Serving the agricultural community for over 40 years

Check Your Tanks
March 7, 2022

Check Your Tanks

Just like everything else this year, Tanks are scarce. As Spring is about to get underway, have you had the opportunity to check your Liquid Fertilizer tanks yet this year? Do Not Wait. Making sure your tank is in good condition is important for a successful cropping season. Follow our tips and tricks to ensuring proper tank maintenance.

  • Inspect the tanks! Check to make sure your tank is sound. Look for any cracks or damage that may have occurred over the winter.
  • Be sure your tanks are clean before pumping fresh liquid fertilizer into them this spring. Leaves, sticks, birds nests, and residue from last year’s fertilizer that is now dried needs to be rinsed out.
  • Use lots of water! Be sure to watch the rinse water. Remember, it has fertilizer value. What can you do with the rinse water? Put it into the manure pit and apply it to your fields. Do not rinse it onto the ground.
  • Check all valves before filling. Check all the valves to be sure they are opening and closing properly. Replace any valves that are suspect to any damage. It is very hard to replace a valve once a tank is filled with liquid fertilizer.
  • And remember, if you have any questions or concerns with your tanks, reach out to a CaroVail Representative.