Serving the agricultural community for over 40 years

Drought Conditions
August 1, 2016

Drought Conditions

CaroVail Newsletter SPECIAL EDITION

Drought Conditions
Frank Flis

Many areas in the northeast are experiencing moisture challenges to varying degrees.  Having adequate forage supplies for the coming year may be a major concern for growers in some areas. Care in managing fields to ensure best possible results may take planning and unemotional action.  Calm, rational analysis will be required.

Maximizing potential while preserving crop integrity is the challenge, especially with perennial crops like alfalfas, grasses, and pastures. Getting a handle on inventories both on hand and needed for the coming year is an important part of the process.  Do you know how much you have and how much you need?

Please take time to consult your advisors on recommended next steps.  Speak with your nutritionist on needed forage extenders and your crop advisors on field management.  In this special addition of CaroVail’s newsletter is some advice and experience from The University of Wisconsin.  As always, CaroVail personnel are available to assist.