Serving the agricultural community for over 40 years

Think Safety
September 6, 2016

Think Safety

Fall is approaching and harvest looms.  You need to get animal waste structures empty, plant winter grains or cover crop, get grain bins and drying systems up, get the augers ready, and prepare the chopper for corn harvest.  Also, who’s driving harvest equipment?  What about trucks and silo packers?  Are the elevators working?  And – oh no – these days are getting shorter and will we have to work in the dark?

Yes- fall can be a busy time, but please make part of that fall preparation process to be THINK SAFETY!  Plan a safety meeting for all those that will be involved in fall work.

Tillage crews should be aware of equipment size in transport.  Are safety pins locked? Are they there? Have the implements been serviced recently? Check all moving parts!  Do trucks and motorized equipment have fire extinguishers? Are the hitch pins worn (new ones are cheap insurance)?  Does everyone know where they are suppose to be and aware of potential increases in traffic around unloading area? Do you know where the powerlines are around dump areas? Have you checked tire air pressures? Reviewed silage packing equipment procedures?

Have a successful harvest.  But, most importantly, have a safe harvest.  Safety requires preparation and sufficient rest.  TAKE  A BREAK


Frank Flis