Serving the agricultural community for over 40 years

What is all this talk about Biologicals?
November 22, 2021

What is all this talk about Biologicals?

Biologicals are nothing new. In fact, CaroVail has been supplying biologicals for well over a decade. Biologicals are a useful tool that can be added to your crop management program to protect your crop, your investments, and unlock your nutrients in the soil.

According to the University of Nebraska, biologicals are “products that contain beneficial, naturally occurring microorganisms or microbial derivatives as active ingredients.” The additional microorganisms protect the growing crop against crop stressors, such as a lack of moisture. They increase the plant root growth, increase nutrient availability and efficiency, and they improve the soil structure.

Biologicals can be used on their own, as well as in combination with other crop amendments, such as conventional and organic fertilizers and soil amendments, injected through irrigation systems or impregnated onto dry fertilizer for a variety of different crops.

Applying living matter back into the soil through the use of microorganisms can both improve crop potential and soil health. For a prosperous crop, your soil must have a healthy immune system. CaroVail can help your soil get there. Call your local CaroVail today and talk to one of our Certified Crop Advisors for more information on how you can add biologicals to your program.